Alert instellen History Show on map

Details NS VIRM 9571

Gele fronten


Nearest stations
0.10Amsterdam Zuid
1.18Amsterdam RAI
3.16Amsterdam Amstel

Distance covered
88 kmToday
8588 kmThis month
Current position
Service and trip info
Vehicle class
Sub class
Vehicle category




Date Notes External link Entered by
Sat 17 feb '24 Defecte pantograaf/stroomafnemer TSNathan
Wed 19 jul '23 Aanrijding 19/7/23 17:44/45 - "Ongeval spoor Roermond - Echt 44.5" link mattsmeets
Wed 29 mar '23 Deze VIRM4 heeft klapstoelen met VIRM2/3 bekleding. Talbot
Sat 18 mar '23 Heeft vandaag in de Zaanstraat zijn gele fronten gekregen. Talbot

A lot of these notes will be in dutch, please use a translations service in your browser or Google Translate. Thank you for your understanding. Please note that relavant (new) notes in english are ofcourse welcome.